Tuesday, February 12, 2013

A look at fundraising.

I had a great week of training. I'm feeling healthy, and things are beginning to click, but this week I really realized how much fundraising for Team In Training means to me. After such an amazing, first fundraising event with my Superbowl party, I became even more motivated to get the dollars rolling in for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. With the help of very generous friends, I was able to raise $482 Superbowl night!! This past Saturday I participated in my first ever road block with Team In Training. If you don't know what a roadblock is, I've included some pictures form Saturday. Basically, we set up cones at the intersection of Hursbourne Parkway and Taylorsville Rd. Once the light turns red you carry your bucket down the lanes, and hope people roll down their windows and drop money into your bucket.  When I first arrived at the roadblock and received my vest, bucket and cones, I was a bit nervous. All of a sudden, the intersection appeared to be HUGE, and the cars seemed to be speeding through. Once, the light turned red, I set my cones up, and faced traffic.  I took a deep breath in and started walking down the lane. And it happened pretty quickly, a generous soul rolled down his window and flapped a dollar bill at me. I never thought someone holding a dollar bill out a window would make me that happy, but I briefly remember skipping over to him, thanking him and placing my first dollar in the bucket.  The day was a huge success. I eventually developed a plan. I didn't like getting stuck in the middle of the lane away from my cone when the light turned green, so I would walk the lanes, until the turning lane light turned green. This was my cue to turn around and head back to the cone, and usually I made it in time. Standing behind the cone with the light green, made me feel safer than when I was without it. Still, standing behind the cone and watching cars drive by you on either side, could be a bit intimidating. I have to say though, it was all worth it. I met a lady that donated, and then talked to me until the light turned green. Her husband had died form Leukemia. He didn't live long after his diagnosis. She thanked me, and drove off. I noticed my eyes get a bit watery, and I realized even more how important, not just completing the Ironman is to me, but completing ot as a part of Team In Training, knowing I'm making a difference in some small way. Three hours, 4-5 miles at least of walking up and down the road, and tired legs later, I raised $184!!!  I again have so many people to thank. I'm at $1,942 in fundraising.  I'm so close to 50% I can taste it!  I have a large fundraising event planned for April 13th at Gerstle's Bar here in Louisville from 5-8. Bridge 19, a local band has agreed to donate their time to an amazing cause. 10% of the food and drink sells will be donated to the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. A $10 cover at the door which includes a free drink ticket, a silent auction, and raffle will all be taking place. Mark you calendars! I am ecstatic about this event.

As far as training goes, I had another great week. My totals were 8 hours and 9 minutes, 74 miles, in 10 workouts. Bike=59.5 miles, run=13.1 miles, Swim= 2.64 miles. 

Marathon Sharks Sat Am run at the new bridge

The group of roadblockers and our loot!

Standing in between traffic at the roadblock!

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